Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hey guys,

We are currently in search for a full-time drummer and bass player for Inhale The Sea so we can finish off this cd and start playing shows in the coming months

Must be over 18, own gear, experience, live in Newcastle or close enough to travel for practices etc

Contact us through here or email us at inhalethesea@live.co.uk

Inhale The Sea

Monday, February 1, 2010

2010 Update

Hey, I just noticed we haven't updated anything for 2010 yet. What's been going on? Well we recorded drums for our new cd during January and everything seemed to be going smooth. It appeared we ran out of time to get guitars done in the designated times we had arranged, so our schedule had been pushed back. Of course we don't want to rush this thing, but we're still trying to get it done.

A lot has been going on outside of the band for us which is why the cd is taking longer to finish than expected. But we're going to be getting back on top of it soon and make sure it kicks arse.

More updates soon.